i've been admiring this swimsuit from afar, and i am equally in love with the one-peice version.
I thought the panda print was so cute, and bought it at URBN once it went on sale. (cause i'm super cheap. lOl)
In addition to buying this swimsuit, i also blew my paycheck at amazon.com on some books, conor oberst and iron&wine's new albums, a few comedy DVDs, and fim and a flash add on both for my diana+ camera. which reminds me i need to get some film developed...
currently reading a hilarious book called "Be More Chill" by Ned Vizzini. About a nerdy kid who swallows a "squip;" an interactive computer chip in the form of a pill that is implanted in your brain once swallowed. From there it talks to you (in keanu reeve's voice!) and tells you how to be chill.

my favorite part is when Jeremy, the main character, becomes an expert on selling beanie babies for cash, thus stealing his aunt's prized beanie babies and selling them on ebay to afford a squip. LOLs insue...
must sleep now, i have the pleasure of working a double shift tomorrow...-_-
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